Why I choose to Live Sustainably

eco living inspiration

If you’re reading this post, you already know you SHOULD be doing something to help preserve our environment. The trickiest part, however, is tackling the HOW and keeping the WHY top of mind every day to keep us going.

Trust me, it’s not easy to fight back against the constant deluge of single-use plastic that flows through our lives in the name of convenience. You forget your reusable bags or bottles at home, your waitress hands you a plastic cup with a straw already in it, your mail is full of unnecessary junk mail. It’s not easy to refuse this stuff, to turn back for your supplies when you’re late to work or to speak up about your feelings on the straw for fear of “making a scene.” I get it. I’ve chosen convenience over conservation many times, which is why it is SO important to remain inspired. We need to remind ourselves every day why we’re working to reduce waste and make more ethical purchases. Here’s how and why I do it:

My Friends - As I’ve gotten older I’ve learned to surround myself only with people who support and encourage me (…and have weeded out others in the process). Even if my friends don’t share my same level of commitment, they will always listen to what I have to say and take my suggestions seriously. Every time a friend of mine makes a step toward more positive change I feel inspired by them, and it pushes me to keep going.

My Family - As you may know by now, I’m very close with my family, and am lucky to have these people in my life who are as committed to environmental conservation as I am. So many ideas that I share on this blog come from them. I’ve learned about composting, what is and isn’t recyclable, shopping at Goodwill, DIY skincare and more from my parents and sisters. If your family doesn’t share your commitment, find a community of people who do. You will be as inspirational to them as they are to you!

Instagram - One of the easiest places to seek inspiration is Instagram. Search key hashtags like #zerowaste, #plasticfree, #fairtrade and more to get informed about shopping responsibly. Find your community of inspiration online with people who share your commitment. Some of my favorites to follow include Ashlee Piper, Leah Payne, The Good Trade, Zero Waste Collective and the indefatigable Greta Thunberg.

The Next Generation - Speaking of Miss Greta, teens and children are one of the top reasons I choose to live a more eco-conscious lifestyle. If we don’t make a change, the next generation will simply not have the same access to nature and natural resources that we’ve been lucky enough to enjoy. By making better choices today, we can educate our youngest friends and family members on how to continue that example going forward.

Animals - My dog, Star, loves to play in the waves of Lake Erie and run along the beach. One of the reasons I feel inspired to pick up trash every week is so that she can have a cleaner place to play! I have always loved animals, I think we all do. I can’t stand seeing images of turtles (my favorite animal!) bleeding, choking and dying in polluted waters so I do what I can to keep less human waste from encroaching on their natural playgrounds.

Where do you find inspiration? Leave a comment below!